Sunday, August 23, 2009

First Faux Pink Art Auction Success

What a wonderful night! Thank you all for coming out, supporting our cause and checking out our art. We were able to give Chics n Chaps a big ball of cash, about $600! Thanks to Samantha and Katie from Hooters for helping sell raffle tickets along with the Tough Enough to Wear Pink Cowboys (Lee and Bridger); who also did a wonderful roping clinic. We really appreciate your help! All of the pieces were auctioned off. It was kinda like adopting out all my kids. I know they're all going to good homes - lol.... We're looking forward to our next event, "First Friday" in October but really now need to get painting again. We're also looking forward to having some great girl 'get-togethers' in the near future. Thanks too to the Silver Slipper for making the night so great. Melissa was awesome!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hooters and Cowboys duke it out!

The competition is on. We're taking 3 lovely Hooter Girls against Stacey and Shannone's Hunky Cowboy's in a friendly raffle selling contest tonight. It's gonna be a Hoooot! Come one, come all... tonight is going to be so much fun for a great cause! Here's a little preview of our girls; Samantha, Katie and Mackenzie.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chicks n Chaps

What a wonderful event. We raised money, shared our mission and had a great time with all the ladies. Shannone and Stacey did a wonderful job. You girls ROCK! Can't wait to see the results of the event.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Last Houska

From the Houska party, the last piece is finished. Thanks girls.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Latest party.

We had such a great time with the younger gals Wed night. We are happy to expand our cause to include information on preventing cervical cancer by speaking to younger gals about Gardasil. This is a vaccine that helps protect against certain diseases, including cervical cancer, caused by the Human Papillomavirus. The gals got to make prints for themselves then they were having so much fun they wanted to make more to donate back to Faux Pink. Thanks gals! Tune in to see the finished products.

Chicks n Chaps coming up!

Progress is being made on the raffle pieces for the Chicks n Chaps event Aug 14th at the fair grounds. As you can see from the post earlier the gals that organize the event shared their 'brushes' to make two pieces to raise money at their event. We're sooo looking forward to being apart.